The New Earth Magic Tribe
Healing journey
“If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together”. – African proverb –
The New Earth Magic Tribe Healing journey
What is The New Earth Magic Tribe Healing journey?
On this New Earth Magic Tribe Healing journey we unite together as Soul Sisters and Brothers, as one Soulfamily. We unite to clear any and all blockages and imbalances from our energy fields moving through the different life phases; past life, childhood, young adulthood and adulthood. We do this in service of our own physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing and the wellbeing of all Souls, knowing that as we raise our vibration we raise the planet’s vibration.
How does it work?
There are three gatherings. Each gathering we work with a specific theme; childhood (o-12), young adulthood (12-20) and adulthood (20+). We connect with our Higher Selves and the Quantum Field. From there we give our permission to be worked with by any Higher Divine Light, Love and Truth energies, frequencies and vibrations. We give permission to be shown to us what is no longer in service of our highest Soul’s evolution and for it to be cleared from our energy system. I will guide us through each clearing that is brought to the Light.
What is the goal?
The goal is to detach ourselves from any individual and collective field of old earth consciousness that keeps struggle, suffering and survival in place. To renounce anything, anyone and all that does not serve the highest evolution of our Soul.
So that we become more and more our True Selves and we can more easily align with the right people, places, projects and opportunities at the right time not just for our own benefit but the benefit of the collective.
The program
I start each gathering by creating the Sacred Space. I call upon the 4 directions and the 5 elements.
Then I invite us all to bring ourselves into the Sacred Space by one by one saying; my name is….. and I welcome myself into this Sacred Space and then light our candle. We will then share our intention one by one why we are here.
Agnès will then guide us to connect with our energetic field, our Aura through Kundalini yoga.
Under my guidance we will then create the Group Field and dive into it together through The New Earth Magic systemic work.
The invitation during the break is to really make use of the peace and space to integrate the first part of the workshop.
After the break Eva will guide us in further deepening our subconscious, where in connection with her guides she makes an aaaaa sound that vibrates everything that no longer serves us and with your permission she then asks the guides to work with you.
Because inner work can touch a lot and can also take us out of our center for a moment, Agnès brings us back into our body with her Kundalini Yoga.
We close with a song by Eva. We give one word to describe what we will take home from this gathering. Then one by one we will say Thank You and I will now leave this Sacred Space, we will blow out our candles and I will close the Sacred Space.
To connect and center in our body, I bring in Agnès Schluter as our Kundalini Yoga/Meditation teacher. You can find her website link here
To dive further into our subconscious and integrate the new energies, I bring in Eva van Nieuwburg as our Musical Medium and healer with her Sacred sound and songs. You can find her website link here
The rules
*We unite to support ourselves, eachother and the collective. To show our support we may create a heart symbol with our fingers, place our hands on our heartchakra (in the center of our chest) or give a virtual hug. If you feel really cal to physicaly touch a person please ask for permission first.
*To respect the Sacred Space I ask that when one speaks everyone else is silent and that we give eachother space to bring ourselves in and integrate new information when the energy requires this.
*To respect this Soulfamily I ask that anything shared within this Sacred Space remains within this Sacred Space unless we were given permission to share.
The requirements
*You need minimum €30 cash
*In most cases the workshops will be held in Dutch, so you need to be able to understand at least a little bit of Dutch. You can speak in English that is fine.
*You need a candle
*You need the Will to learn, grow and evolve in New Earth consciousness and be willing to renounce anything that does not serve the highest evolution of your Soul.
Do you need a Healing Hand?
We are the lock and the key. We hold all the answers to our questions and all the solutions to our problems. That being said sometimes our ability to self heal is clouded. It is clouded because there might be too much pain, fear, shame, guilt, lack of belief/trust, lack of self love/worth/care, lack of resources or lack of patience/perseverance to get to our own self healing power. This is when we need a helping healing hand.
In order to self heal you need to have the Will, Belief/Trust and Commitment.
- You need to WANT to heal, be WILLING to do the work.
- You need to belief/trust in your healing journey.
- You need to commit to your healing journey, have patience and persevere.
In these healing sessions we focus on re-connecting to your Divine Core, healing the old multidimensional wounds, transmuting old limiting beliefs, breaking old limiting patterns, activating latent gifts, bringing back the flow and creating the new.

By re-connecting you to your Divine Core within. We work on a cellular level and we look at the universal, spiritual, mental, emotional and physical energies of the situation at hand.
- Location: Dijkstraatje 5, Enkhuizen, The Netherlands
- Dates: sunday April 13th, sunday September 7th, Sunday November 23rd.
- Time: 14:00-17:00
- Fee: based upon donation with a minimum donation of €30
- Sign up: To sign up send an email to with your name (s) and the date(s) of the workshop(s)
- Support: This is a group event. Should you require individual support you are wholeheartedly welcome to book a 1 on 1 session with me, Agnès or Eva.
- Group: There is space for 7 people maximum