The New Earth Magic

Healing sessions

“No problem can be solved on the same level of concsiousness it was created”- Albert Einstein

What is a New Earth Magic Healing session?

The Golden Rule is that everything in life is energy, frequency and vibration; you, your thoughts, your emotions/feelings, your body, your home and Nature. We are the lock and the key. We hold all the answers to our questions and all the solutions to our problems.
We have a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energy system. By what we experience in our lives we can build blockages and imbalances within. This creates disruptions and distorts the energy system. 
Many factors can contribute to energetic imbalances and blockages. Trauma is the most common factor. Trauma is not the life experience itself but the effect it has had on our subconscious, self worth, neurophysiology, nervous system, connective tissue, organs, attractor fields and the scars it left behind in our DNA.
For example complex trauma are multiple life experiences where we experienced a lack of love, care and safety. Each individual life experience may have little impact, but all together there is a profound impact that takes place. It can be trauma from this incarnation, other earthbound or galactic incarnations, trauma from family line, trauma from culture/country/city/town/place/religion/gender etc. 
What we do in clearing old earth (struggle, suffering and survival) energies, frequencies and vibrations is raising your vibration to bring you back to your Pure Divine original vibration before any trauma. 

How does it work?

The method utilized to clear the old earth consciousness and create the new earth consciousness on a multidimensional and cellular level is New Earth Magic!

1 Connecting with my Higher Self and The Quantum field.

2 Zooming in on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual lightbody.

3 Setting the intention for any and all blockages and imbalances to be brought to the Light.

4 Clearing the blockages and imbalances on a multidimensional and cellular level.

5 Creating space for and integrating the new.

What is the goal?

The goal is to move you from pain to pleasure in any area of your Life.
By raising your vibration and bringing you back to your Pure Divine original vibration the space is created for all the trauma, struggle and suffering in any area of your life to dissolve naturaly.
From here you then naturaly align to all higher timelines and realities that serve your Soul. Bringing in the right people, places, projects and opportunities that match the joy and truth of your Soul. Where you get to experience true joy, peace, abundance and freedom versus suffering, lack and fear.

Do you need a Healing Hand?

We are the lock and the key. We hold all the answers to our questions and all the solutions to our problems. That being said sometimes our ability to self heal is clouded. It is clouded because there might be too much pain, fear, shame, guilt, lack of belief/trust, lack of self love/worth/care, lack of resources or lack of patience/perseverance to get to our own self healing power. This is when we need a helping healing hand.

In order to self heal you need to have the Will, Belief/Trust and Commitment. 

  • You need to WANT to heal, be WILLING to do the work.
  • You need to belief/trust in your healing journey. 
  • You need to commit to your healing journey, have patience and persevere. 

In these healing sessions we focus on re-connecting to your Divine Core, healing the old multidimensional wounds, transmuting old limiting beliefs, breaking old limiting patterns, activating latent gifts, bringing back the flow and creating the new.



By re-connecting you to your Divine Core within. We work on a cellular level and we look at the universal, spiritual, mental, emotional and physical energies of the situation at hand. 

The Sessions


Spiritual development

This session is for you when you want to clear any imbalances or blockages concerning your; psychic abilities, upgrades and activations, soulmission or dreams (when you go to bed) and any other topic concerning your Spiritual development.



This session is for you when you want to clear any imbalances or blockages concerning your; physical health & well-being, emotional health & well-being, mental health & well-being or spiritual health & well-being.



This session is for you when you want to clear any imbalances or blockages concerning your; energetic contracts/cords/hooks with (ex)partner(s) or your attractor fields (attracting your True Love Lifepartner).

happy family


This session is for you when you want to clear any imbalances or blockages concerning your relationship with your; children (passed on, present or future fertility), siblings, parents, ancestors (ancestral bindings, core wounds, core beliefs, core patterns, core gifts, etc).



This session is for you when you want to clear any imbalances or blockages concerning your; past/current friendships or attractor fields (attracting your True Tribe).


Career & Finance

This session is for you when you want to clear any imbalances or blockages concerning your; abundance consciousness, attractor fields (attracting your True Careerpath), knowledge/skills.

creativity session


This session is for you when you want to clear any imbalances or blockages concerning your; creative expression or passion.



This session is for you when you want to clear any imbalances or blockages concerning your; attractor fields (attracting your True home) or uninvited houseguests.



This session is for you when you want to clear any imbalances or blockages concerning your; life in general but you have no specific focus point.

Practical information

*When you have chosen your session specify your issue and your need/wish. 

*You may be given homework.

*When you choose to have a online Healing session make sure you have a good working internet connection. The Zoom link will be send to your email address.

Yes, I want to raise my vibration!