Select AiméeAimée

Inner Child


In this workshop you are given the tools to heal your Inner Child and unleash his/her Magic in to the world.

Inner Child Workshop

When we have a wounded Inner Child we are blocked in our creative powers. Our healed Inner Child lives in a world of wonder. He/she creates magic effortlessly because he/she experiences self and life as Magical. 

He/ she is still connected to The Divine/ Cosmos, Nature/ Earth and is a true co-creator. He/she can also access higher levels of Divinity and put the needs of the ego aside to serve The Greater Good of all life. 

In this workshop you are given the tools to heal your Inner Child and unleash his/her Magic in to the world.

This workshop concists of 1 module 

  • 5 Light activations 
  • 5 paragraphs of text
  • 5 assignments
  • 5 rituals


Module; Connecting with your Sacred space of your Physical home

  • Healing old wounds
  • Transmuting old beliefs 
  • Breaking through old patterns 
  • Activating latent gifts
  • Creating the new


Practical information about the workshop can be placed here

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