The New Earth Magic

Medium reading

” There is no death, only a beautiful transition from one state of life to another. No beginnings or endings, just an extraordinary journey and progression of the Soul, as the consciousness perpetually develops, grows and refines. ” – David Cunliffe –

What is a New Earth Magic Medium reading?

A New Earth Magic medium reading re-connects you with your past on loved ones. The Soul world is all around us. We only just have to think of our past on loved one or they are there with us. It is possible you may want to hear from a specific Soul and he/she doesn’t come through but another Soul does. Also as a Soul we are given a life review, a kind of evaluation of our life on earth. There is no one that judges us it is only to learn, grow and evolve and see what maybe we would have done differently and why. Then we become a blanc canvas again and are most often at peace. 

How does it work?

As a Medium I communicate with your past on loved one(s) and give you their messages. I do not require any information, in fact it is best to give no information. I will tell you who is communicating with us and you can ask this Soul any question you want. 

What is the goal?

While as a Medium we work for the Soul world and can not guarantee the Soul you wish to connect with comes through the aim is always for you to leave in peace, feeling loved and supported by your past on loved ones. 

Do you need a Healing Hand?

We are the lock and the key. We hold all the answers to our questions and all the solutions to our problems. That being said sometimes our ability to self heal is clouded. It is clouded because there might be too much pain, fear, shame, guilt, lack of belief/trust, lack of self love/worth/care, lack of resources or lack of patience/perseverance to get to our own self healing power. This is when we need a helping healing hand.

In order to self heal you need to have the Will, Belief/Trust and Commitment. 

  • You need to WANT to heal, be WILLING to do the work.
  • You need to belief/trust in your healing journey. 
  • You need to commit to your healing journey, have patience and persevere. 

In these healing sessions we focus on re-connecting to your Divine Core, healing the old multidimensional wounds, transmuting old limiting beliefs, breaking old limiting patterns, activating latent gifts, bringing back the flow and creating the new.



By re-connecting you to your Divine Core within. We work on a cellular level and we look at the universal, spiritual, mental, emotional and physical energies of the situation at hand. 

Practical information

*In some cases I can come to your home in The Netherlands too, extra transport costs will be calculated.

* If you choose to have  a medium reading online make sure you have a good working internet connection. The Zoom link will be send to your email address.

Yes, I want to re-connect with my past on loved one(s)!