Select AiméeAimée

The New Earth Magic


“May the sun bring you new energy by day,
May the moon softly restore you by night,
May the rain wash away your worries,
May the breeze blow new strength into your being,
May you walk gently through the world and
know its beauty all days of your life” – Apache blessing 

Life is sacred. Many ancient nature civilizations know this. These ceremonies are to bring back the sacredness of life and honour life’s natural transitions.

The Ceremonies



New Life being born is a wondrous event. A custom made ceremony is a wonderful way to honour this New Life’s existence. In this ceremony this New Life, your baby boy or girl can be welcomed on this earth plane and showered with Love & Light. Together we set the Sacred Space and create the perfect Divine rituals that are in alignment with the needs/ wishes of the baby. We do this by connecting to the Soul of your baby and see/feel/know/hear their needs and wishes. If you are having twins (or more children at once) we can inquire if they want the ceremony together or separate. A lot is possible. This ceremony is also available to celebrate birth-days of any age.


Young adulthood

Becoming a young adult might not be experienced as such a wondrous event. Nonetheless it is an important event. Becoming a young adult does not only mean that our body changes hormonally we also become more self reliant and responsible. Girls begin to menstruate, by which they energetically take more global responsibility as they purify the collective and become fertile. Bringing girls more in touch with their biological and Divine femininity. As a boy the biological need to provide and protect becomes more active. Bringing boys more in touch with their biological and Divine masculinity.A custom made ceremony is a wonderful way to honour your boy or girl’s transition into young adulthood. Together we set the Sacred Space and create the perfect Divine rituals that are in alignment with the needs/ wishes of your son or daughter. We do this by connecting to the Soul of your daughter or son and see/feel/know/hear their needs and wishes. A lot is possible.



As soon as you become a parent your life changes. A woman becomes a Mother the moment the conception takes place as now she is already needing to take care of the life inside of her by eating foods that resonate with the Soul of the foetus, having enough rest and movement, taking care of the clothes/colours/jewellery she wears, the products she puts on her skin, the people and places she encounters, all the energies within and around her. The father can certainly have a Soul connection with the baby but he only truly becomes a father the minute the child is born. For both it is an initiation into Divine Love.A custom made ceremony is a wonderful way to honour this change in your life and be showered with Love & Light. Together we set the Sacred Space and create the perfect Divine rituals that are in alignment with your needs/ wishes. We do this by connecting to your Soul and see/feel/know/hear your needs and wishes. A lot is possible.



Being elderly is often associated with the loss of youth. Youth is often associated with beauty. However being elderly is actually more so an initiation into Divine Wisdom. GrandMothers begin to enter menopause (again a hormonal change) and enter the age of “the sage”. GrandFathers have no visible hormonal change that takes place yet the age of “the sage” opens up to them too. Grandparenthood has in this context very little to do with having grandchildren or not. It is actually more so that the individual has now gained so much life experience it has the potential to become “the wise elder”. The women can become the Grand Mothers in how they love themselves, others, the earth, cosmos and all Divine life. The men can become the Grand Fathers in how they provide and protect for themselves, others, the earth, cosmos and all Divine life.A custom made ceremony is a wonderful way to honour this change in your life and be showered with Love & Light. Together we set the Sacred Space and create the perfect Divine rituals that are in alignment with your needs/ wishes. We do this by connecting to your Soul and see/feel/know/hear your needs and wishes. As I have not been in this transition myself a female elder will assist us. A lot is possible.



Just like we honour the beginning of life, birth, so too can we honour the end of life, death. Death really is the end of our physical form, it is our body we leave behind. We as a Soul are eternal and live on. While death is the end of our physical form it is also the beginning of a new adventure without our physical form. It is important that we move on in peace. In order to do that by the time our body expires we need to have made peace with our past, present and future.A custom made ceremony is a wonderful way to honour this transition out of the body, be showered with Love & Light and leave the earth in peace. Together we set the Sacred Space and create the perfect Divine rituals that are in alignment with your needs/ wishes. We do this by connecting to your Soul and see/feel/know/hear your needs and wishes. A lot is possible. If you would like further one on one guidance in your transitioning to the Cosmos and to leave your physical form in peace this is possible too.

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