The New Earth Magic Tribe is not for all. To know if it is for you see if you recognize yourself in our three specified targetgroups.

The Curious New Earth Magic Tribe explorers
*Newbees in discovering their connection with their Soul.
*Newbees in discovering their connection with their body.
*Newbees in discovering their connection with Nature.
*Newbees in discovering their connection with The New Earth.
*Newbees with inner work.
*They long to connect with kindred spirits, their Tribe, be part of a Soulbased community.

The Connected New Earth Magic Tribe Emissaries
*Connected to their Soul.
*Connected to their body.
*Connected to Nature.
*Connected to The New Earth.
*They have done quite a bit of inner work and experienced some internal and external shifts in consciousness but are not yet living a fully Soulbased Life and can not yet seem to manifest health & happiness in all areas of their Life.
*They long to connect with kindred Spirits, their Tribe, be part of a Soulbased community.

The co-creative New Earth Magic Tribe Entrepreneurs
*Connected to their Soul.
*Connected to their body.
*Connected to Nature
*Connected to The New Earth.
*They have done quite a bit of inner work, experienced several internal and external shifts in consciousness yet when it comes to their Soulmission, finding their audience, sharing their Knowledge and Skills and creating income with it they seem to not yet be succesful and experience delays/setbacks/stuckness/tiredness/frustration/dissapointment.