A wholehearted welcome beautiful Soul to The New Earth Magic Tribe. My name is Aimée. Aimée means The Beloved in French.
I am a Mother of a stardaughter (who returned back to the Soulworld), I am a Coach, a Healer, Lightworker, a Medium, an Oracle, a Priestess and a Magician.
I guide people in;
*connecting with themselves, Nature (Cosmic and Earthly, the seen and “the unseen”) and eachother.
* clearing what no longer is of service to us and creating the new.
*trusting in the Divine Channel that we are.
My path
My name is Aimée. Aimée means The Beloved in French. I am a Mother, a Coach, a Healer, a Lightworker, a Medium, an Oracle, a Priestess and a Magician.
I guide people in;
*connecting with themselves, Nature (Cosmic and Earthly, the seen and “the unseen”) and eachother.
* clearing what no longer is of service to us and creating the new.
*trusting in the Divine Channel that we are.
I define a Coach as a man/woman who gives practical guidance.
I define a Healer as a medicineman/woman who helps to make whole that what is fragmented.
I define a Lightworker as a Soul who is here on earth to awaken all in Love, Light, Truth of the Highest Divine energy, frequency and vibration available.
I define a Medium as a man/woman who communicates with the Soulworld and shares their messages with the Souls on earth.
I define an Oracle as a man/woman who travells through time and space and retrieves information.
I define a Priestess as a woman who initates people in a sacred way of life through ceremony and rituals.
I define a Magician as a man/woman who connects the seen with “the unseen”.
As a girl/Woman I struggled a lot in life with family, friends, romance, school, work, finance and housing. I couldn’t truly feel my worth and the love for myself as a girl/Woman and have attracted many life lessons from there.
I am familiar with (self) rejection, (sexual) abuse, suicidality, addiction/self sabotage, (self) judgement, humiliation, betrayal, grief and loss, abandonment, banishment (other incarnations) and destruction (other incarnations). I am familiar with not feeling seen/heard/felt/received/understood/loved/supported/empowered/wanted as a Soul and girl/Woman by the outer world.

I now have a basic foundation of self love and self worth for myself as a Soul and girl/Woman independent of my “success” in my relationships, work, finance and living situation. I have learned to turn my traumas into strengths, giving me access to Higher knowledge and skills. I have learned to fully let my thoughts, emotions/feelings and physical sensations be present without becoming them. This is the difference between I feel/I have or I am.
In 2003 I received a vision. When I asked what this vision was about I heard The New Earth.
From 2011 I have been guiding children, teens and adults in a professional setting with great privilege on their New Earth pathway and still now 2024 I feel it to be my greatest passion and purpose in life.
Ofcourse just like all of us I continue to learn, grow and evolve as I go.
My core values are; authenticity, integrity and unity.
The Souls I have worked together with describe me as caring, compassionate, direct and confrontational. I am an advocate of simplicity. I believe Life is simple, we just need to go with the flow. For every issue there is a solution and I am deeply committed to find it with you but you gotta do the work. I can not walk your path for you.
I now have a basic foundation of self love and self worth of myself as a Soul and girl/Woman independent of my “success” in my relationships, work, finance and living situation. I have learned to turn my traumas into strengths, giving me access to Higher knowledge and skills. I have learned to fully let my thoughts, emotions/feelings and physical sensations be present without becoming them. This is the difference between I feel/I have or I am.
In 2003 I received a vision. When I asked what this vision was about I heard The New Earth.
From 2008 I have been guiding children, teens and adults in a professional setting with great privilege on their Divine Human path and still now 2024 I feel it to be my greatest passion and purpose in life.
Ofcourse just like all of us I continue to learn, grow and evolve as I go.

Paranormal near death experience and start of the question “Who am I and why am I here?”.
Start research Esoterica and the Paranormal.
Start VWO C&M High School.
Received a vision of The New Earth in Italy and an increase in my psychic gifts.
Putney Camp (theater, dance, song) Vermont, America
Annecy France Language camp
Up With People 1 year travelling with American leadership, volunteer work, regional education, performance art and world travel organisation.
Start Social Pedagogical Carework NL.
Start Barbara Brennan School of Healing Science Austria.
Internship Sint Jacob elderly home, internship Jellinek Mentrum addiction and psychosis, internship ROC (Level 1 youth) Empowerment coach
Graduation Social Pedagogical Carework.
Start Coaching for Transformation course NYC.
Start Coaching for Transformation and start own business Home of Transformation in NYC with highly senstive children, teens and adults.
Start coaching and healing workshops in NYC.
Graduation course Coaching for Transformation.
Start Holistic Children’s and Family therapy NL.
Graduation Hollistic Children’s and Family Therapy..
Graduation BBSH.
Elohim Centre volunteerwork and participating in various multidimensional workshops.
Afterschool care job
End of Home of Transformation and start New Earth Empowerment.
Start offering Women circles
Kiva Roots of the Earth
Journey Aoteroa (NZ) Voices of Sacred Earth volunteerwork and travel through Aoteroa learning from Maori teachers.
First online summit Trust in and Surrender to the Great Unknown with 15 International guestspeakers.
Encounter True Love Lifepartner
Start Magic training
Birth and death daughter Avalon
End New Earth Empowerment and start New Earth Magic Tribe