Select AiméeAimée

The Magic of


Our firstborn child, our daughter was named Avalon. One of the meanings of Avalon is ; “It encompasses the concept of a utopian paradise that blurs the boundaries between the physical and spiritual realms. It embodies the symbolism of purity, abundance, and magic, acting as a vessel through which wisdom and higher truths can be pursued.” My partner received her name long before she was even conceived. He was listening to a song at the time that really touched him and the name of the song was Avalon. 

The moment we believe the conception took place August 17th (which doctors said is possible as in that time I was ovulating) we both saw a blue light near my womb at the exact same time. We still see this blue light from time to time. I knew she was high vibrational.

I also knew she would not stay with us, yet I disregarded my knowing. Every time this knowing would pop up I told myself this was just “my fear of loss” talking. The truth was too hard for my ego to bare, as it was my worst nightmare as a Mother.

During my pregnancy she responded really well to crystals and the healing hands of my partner and I. She would move in my womb to where the crystals or our healing hands were on my tummy and she would just bring her whole body into it, almost like she was curling up and taking it all in. 

The number 3 is her number. She was conceived when my partner and I were together 3 months. I carried her 33 weeks and 2 days. She was born March (3) 2024. She was alive for 3 days. She was born with Tri(3)somie18. She passed away on the same day as my grandfather (whom I have not met physicaly in this lifetime) March 30th. We stayed in the hospital in room 3. Then when we had to move to another place nearby the hospital we also got room 3. Lastly she is the third grandchild in my family and she inspired me to create my 3rd Soulbased business; The New Earth Magic Tribe.

The number 3 is her number. She was conceived when my partner and I were together 3 months. I carried her 33 weeks and 3 days. She was born March (3)2024. She was alive for 3 days. She was born with Trisomie18. She passed away on the same day as my grandfather (whom I have not met physicaly in this lifetime) March 30th. We stayed in the hospital in room 3. Then when we had to move to another place nearby the hospital we also got room 3. Lastly she is the third grandchild in my family. 

We believe she came to us to activate us and all who crossed her path in higher vibrations of Love, Light, Unity and Truth. We have witnessed how “strangers” felt so connected to her and had multidimensional experiences, people that would not necessarily call themselves spiritual. She also came to initiate both of us in parenthood and for her to experience our Motherly and Fatherly love. My partner and I both also created a new business because of her. We know her Soul really wanted to come. We know her Soul will come again to stay in a healthy body with us. We are forever grateful to her and the Magic she brought in our lives. <3